24 November 2009

93 million miles

yes it seems im saying theese famous words again!... sorry for being a bad blogger!, but i have been seriously busy theese past weeks, doing my music video for media!, which is in for this Friday stressfull i think so!/.. so heres some shots of me from a while ago!


Im sorry for the quality of the photo's but as you can tell, its getting darker outside earlier, so its a challenge to get in & take some photo's in time in the day!, but i love the thrown together-ness of this look, but its a velvet blazor which i admitt i was unsure of at the beginning but now love it.
WEARING- Vintage black blazor,second hand scarf, chairty shop tee, rings various most chairty store, black leggings George.
Thank you for everyone that stops by my blog :)...... TILLY!!


Violet said...

ugh i hate the faster sunset it feels late when i go out

love your accessories and scarf

Vi from Cali

H A N N A H . M A Y . R O S E . † said...

wowwwww I LOVE that vintage blazer! amazing!

please enter the competition on my blog - it's to win a VIP night out for you and a friend :)

Hannah x

Bijou's Style said...

thanks for stoppin by my blog! cute, cute outfit/post! I actually dont exchange links - but I am following you via google ;)



Anonymous said...

Yo Yo Yo Tiiibizzlerr in the Hizzlerrr!! I refrained from commenting but couldn't restrain me good self anymore!!!! And pppleaasse 'George leggings' you went all out on the asda stock...next you'll be calling your tesco gear 'F&F' and your 1p charity shop clothes 'vintaggee' to make it sound cooler! O wait I'm sorry 1p is probably more than we'd spend I mean come its the credit crunch! (hmmmm who are we kidding we do not give a shit about the old state of affairs we're merely cheap skates) XXXXX

Anonymous said...

gorgeous as always darling
love it, great inspiration
thanks for sharing

check out my blog @

Anonymous said...

I lovee this out fit its amazing u definatley inspired my style over here in america (: check out my blog not many people have its fairly new-ish haha hope u post more soon!